Traveling on Your Own: Things to Keep in Mind
As readers of this blog will know, I’m a huge advocate for traveling solo. Sure, it can feel a bit awkward to travel alone at first, but there is absolutely no shame in traveling your own. Once I realized this I was able to experience some of the most rewarding experiences on the road.
Traveling on Your Own: Things to Keep in Mind
Going on a trip by yourself can give you time to really relax and recuperate. You can get to know yourself better, and enjoy your time away completely on your own terms. It can be one of the best things you ever do! However, there are some things to bear in mind before you go. Take a look at these tips.
Some Places are Safer Than Others
Some places are much safer to travel alone to than others. Although women shouldn’t be put off traveling alone, they do need to make sensible decisions. Make sure you do lots of research so you know where is safe for you to travel, and any precautions you should take.
Wondering what experiences other female solo travelers have had in a destination you are considering going to? Check out my Women Who Travel Solo series for stories and advice from female travelers who have trekked across the world alone.
You Shouldn’t Get too Drunk
When you’re on holiday, it’s nice to let your hair down and have lots of fun. But you shouldn’t get too drunk. Make sure you take things slow so you can stay in control of yourself. Even if you meet people and you feel safe with them, it isn’t a good idea to go out and drink too much. You just never know what might happen, so be careful and look after yourself!
Consider Leaving Notes in Your Room
If you do meet people that you’d like to do something with, consider leaving notes in your accommodation. You shouldn’t let fear stop you from going out and having a good time with potential friends, but taking this precaution can help you out of any trouble. Leave a note saying who you’re with, where you’re going and when you expect to be back. This can even be a good idea if you’re venturing out on your own.
Take a Book Everywhere You Go
Take a book everywhere you go, and this will signal to people you don’t want to be disturbed. You can pull it out on the beach, in restaurants, or anywhere else you go. If someone unwarranted approaches you while you are reading, don’t be afraid to use your book as an excuse for not wanting to talk.
Don’t Have All of Your Money on You at Once
Never take all of your money out with you at once. Keep just enough on you, and the rest in a safe place, such as in a safe at your hotel. Also, avoid wearing lots of jewellery and carrying too many valuables when you leave the hotel. If you’re in a poorer country, they might take this as a sign of wealth and try to charge you more for certain things.
Live in the Moment
When traveling alone, it can be a little stressful. You might worry about the future, what you’ll do if you get lost, etc. Try not to worry! Simply live in the moment and enjoy this amazing opportunity. Take a deep breath and banish worries from your mind. Enjoy what you’re doing right now, whether you’re exploring an ancient temple or catching a tan.
Never let fear stop you from going on vacation or traveling to a new destination alone. It’ll more than likely be one of the best things you ever do, providing you are sensible! Have an amazing time!