Here’s to Making 2016 Great!
I know I’m late to the game as we are somehow already a week into 2016, but I wanted to wish everyone a happy New Year from Something In Her Ramblings!
I took a break for the holidays and celebrated Christmas with my family in Maryland, rang in the New Year with friends in Washington D.C and then traveled to Florida for a wedding. This week I’m back in the rainforest of Costa Rica for the final months of my contract with Outward Bound and diving into writing some exciting new stories for this blog.
As January arrives it marks two and a half years that I have been living overseas, first in Spain and now Costa Rica. One of my biggest apprehensions before moving abroad was leaving friends behind. By moving so much in my early life I’ve unfortunately learned that often times out of sight means out of mind, and its difficult for friendships to endure once you leave people behind to walk down a different path. When I left Florida to move to Spain I acknowledged that many of the friendships I had made may not last.
This holiday season I got to see many of my friends and I realized how blessed I am to have people in my life who put in effort to continue to grow our relationships and support me in my endeavors. Costa Rica has been a trying experience at times and there is no way I would have lasted this long surrounded by so many creepy crawlies and incessant rain without their support.
As I’ve traveled I’ve learned that love really does make the world go around and I’m starting off this New Year feeling incredibly blessed to have so much love in my life! (I was also excited to reaffirm that Mickey Mouse and I are still pals. We reconnected on a visit to Disney’s Hollywood Studios).
I don’t know what roads this new year will take me down but I have a feeling it’s going to be a great one. It’s already off to such a great start! I wish the best for everyone reading this post. Whatever your goals are, may you go after them with the fuerza del mar and be surrounded by happiness and love. Bienvenidos, 2016. Here’s to making it great!
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Lea Ann
Happy New Year Lauren!!!!
Rebecca Stewart
Moving to another country gives so much life experience that can teach you a lot about relationships. I also learned a lot in the last two years since I moved to the UK. The most important of all was to see who are my real and dearest friends!
It’s so true! Moving abroad is one of the quickest way to find out who your friends really are!