Girlfriend Getaway to New York City
After seven months of living in the remote rainforest of Costa Rica, I was in need of a city escape.
Don’t get me wrong – I’m really enjoying the opportunity to live in Central America, learn about a new culture and use my Spanish. Costa Rica is teaching me a lot and helping me grow in many ways. But one of the lessons this country has taught me is that I belong in a city, where I’m in the center of action and surrounded by people, buildings and businesses to stimulate my senses. I also benefit from living within walking distance to Dunkin’ Donuts (or anywhere that sells iced coffee for that matter).
Lucky for me, just when I felt I needed a break from the damp jungle, I had planned to go back to the states for my sister’s graduation from the University of Maryland. (Congratulations, Emma! I am so proud of you!)
Even luckier for me, two of my favorite travel buddies and I were able to arrange a Girlfriend Getaway to New York City that coincided with my visit home.
Last year was one of the best years of my life. I spent the year living in Spain and got to travel my brains out, visiting 25 countries and reaching many of my travel wish list goals such as climbing the Eiffel Tower, touching the African continent for the first time and exploring the scenic fjords of Norway.
I also made some pretty amazing friends while living in Madrid, and am fortunate to say that, though we may be spread across the globe, we are still good friends today.
Emily lived across the street from me in Madrid on Calle Fuencarral. We met at a lunch during our teaching orientation and bonded over a ridiculous plate of asparagus I was served in lieu of pork. She is sassy, fashionable and has a knack for finding the best places to eat and drink. She also always manages to find a way to convince whatever bar we are out at to blast Timber by Ke$ha so we can dance. What else could you ask for in a travel companion? These days Emily is living and working in Washington D.C.
Michelle was my writing buddy in Madrid. We spent many hours exploring cafes in the city and working on our prospective blogs and writing assignments. To the chagrin of Emily (make that everyone), she coined the term cashy-cash during one of our many how can I afford to live in Madrid, travel and eat at the same time conversations. Despite our constant budgeting in Spain, during one of our writing sessions she somehow managed to rack up a 16 euro bill on coffee, orange juice and croissants. We’ve never let her live it down. Michelle currently loves her life in Toledo, Ohio (or maybe she doesn’t. The last text I received from her was about how someone had egged her car).
Our Girlfriend Getaway to New York City was crashed part of the time by a man – Paul, another former English teacher in Spain.
We let him join us because, if we were to label ourselves as characters from Sex and the City he would easily be Miranda due to his fashion sense. In Madrid he was infamous for wearing this ridiculously oversized coat. Tragically, I do not have a picture of it, but I can promise it rivaled this overall and coat ensemble that Miranda failed to rock in season two.
Ok. I’ve given Paul a hard enough time. He’s actually like Miranda mostly because he is an excellent listener and has a huge heart. He lives just outside New York City. Next year he is going to medical school and is going to become one of the best pediatricians ever.
Girlfriend Getaway to New York City
In the next few posts on Something In Her Ramblings, I’ll share stories from our time in the city that never sleeps and tips on how to plan the ultimate Girlfriends Getaway to New York City, including:
- How to make the most of your time in New York with the New York City Pass.
- A review of the musical Gigi on Broadway starring Vanessa Hudgens
- Behind the scenes secrets from the Sex and the City Hotspots tour
- Tips on finding affordable (and glamorous) accommodations in New York with HomeAway.
I love my friends and I LOVE NEW YORK! I’m so excited for this upcoming series of posts. I’ve been to New York several times before, but this visit was different. Experience this fabulous cities with my friends, I fell deeply in love with the illustrious magic and energy of America’s most populous city. I’m still smitten, and it brings me joy to write and reflect on my trip as the rain pours down in Central Costa Rica.
Check back on Something In Her Ramblings this Wednesday for the first post in this series, or sign up for my email list to get posts sent directly to your inbox.
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